Our story

We are a small team that’s totally dedicated to build tagmy.wedding – the platform that will help you to save, share, refine and relive your wedding memory forever.

We are currently building the platform and in this process we are performing a number of user interviews in order to try to make our solution as valuable as possible for our users.

If you’re interested and want to know more, awesome – please send us an e-mail and we will get back to you.

© 2023 TagVerse AB, All Rights Reserved


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Who Are We?

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Working Hours

Monday To Friday: 9am To 8pm
Weekend: 10am to 5pm



198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010

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    Amcoriper uisque aic dol necim nise que et. Bul um demo sed ultrice mis est mor bit etis virtu.

    Amcoriper uisque aic dol necim nise que et. Bul um demo sed ultrice mis est mor bit etis virtu.

    Amcoriper uisque aic dol necim nise que et. Bul um demo sed ultrice mis est mor bit etis virtu.